Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why I am A Muslim: Sliencing the false propaganda of Ibn Warraq


Why I am a Muslim

Why the world needs Islam

Why the world doesn’t need people like Ibn Warraq

The Evolution Deciect

The Rebuttals

The Real Rusdie Affair

The Beginning of Islam

Prophet Mohammed: a mercy to mankind

What the Quran is really about

Islam supports human rights

History of Islamic expansion

Did the Quran really copy off the Greeks?

Sufism and its tides with Islam

Women’s rights in Islam

Islamic and other religious rulings on homosexuality, pigs and wine

Dogs in Islam

Mohammed’s mercy

Who Is Allah

Islam in the Western thought

Answering the Alleged Apostates

How the Bible got changed

Commonly asked questions about Islam

Alleged inconsistences in Quran and Hadith

Evidence for Islam

Other rebuttals to Ibn Warraq’s books




Refuting the propaganda and further reading


“Men despise reglion. They hate it and are afraid it may be true”

-Blaise Pascal, Pensees.

What does Atheism have to offer anybody really? The answer is nothing. All atheist, secularists, humanitarians or agnostics is follow the rules of wherever they are living and that’s all. They can do whatever they want. They can smoke, drink, sleep with whoever they want, do as much drugs as possible, say as much profanity as possible. In short, they are going down a path of complete self destruction. And whats wrose is that they are allowing themselves to self destruct. And this seems to be the case for Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina and other atheist/agonistic likeminded cheerleaders of them. The question I have for them is what is your salvation? What if there really is a afterlife? What if Islam is true and what your preaching isn’t? Who created you and who are you going to return to? How do you explain the miracles of the Quran, Prophet Mohammed and of modern Islamic miracle pictures? It seems like the world is turning more into an atheist/agonostic crowd, which consists of 1.1 billion around the globe. And Islam is not the only religion which is being attacked by these so called freethinkers. Christianity also has been a subject to this abuse, as evidence with books published by Prometheus Books. Books such as Did Jesus Exist, The Christ Myth, The incredible shrinking man: how reliable is the gospel tradition, Jesus after 2000 years, Gospel fictions, Jesus outside the Gospels, the Historical Evidence for Jesus, etc all are heavily anti-Christian material that not only dismantle the New Testament but a historical Jesus as well. But it doesn’t stop there as books such as The Torah and Its God go on to stating that God and Moses do not exist. It seems that trying to prove religions wrong is more popular than following a religion.

What people like Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina and their flock of foul mouth deviants is that they are hurt scared little kids. They want to take some sort of revenge against Islam by bashing it and telling lies about it. People who lash out against a religion are normally people who were abused by the religion in the first place. Such is the case of Ibn Warraq who says he was told to read the Quran, memorize it while he was a kid and then states that all religions are nothing but works of sick men’s dreams. Another alleged apostate is the perverted Iranian Idiot Ali Sina. This fool has so much venom and hatered for Islam he shamelessly tells lies about it left and right. When I first saw his site, I was surprised by how much hate and venom it has for Islam. They even have “testimonies” about people who “leave” Islam and magically happen to find Sina’s site and write their testimonies there. Most of those testimonies are so fake its not even funny, which I’ll get into in another article. The point is why leave Islam, when you know the punishment for that is death? Leaving Islam is only going to cause more problems, in this world and the hereafter. And not following a religion or a way of life is slowly going to lead to self destruction.

Ibn Warraq and his followers can write and speak against Islam all day long but the fact remains that they don’t have any proof to disprove Islam. We have proof against them, but do they have proof against us? Can they also list any other faith, any other religion, any other philosophy, any other thought that can provide salvation for the afterlife, for this life and for others and that has scientific evidence for it? You see atheism may be the answer for both Christianity and Judaism but it isn’t the anwer to Islam. Actually Islam is the answer to Christianity, Judaism and athietism. And all the proof lies in this book.

I was born and raised in a Muslim household. I remember when my father would call me down and ask me to read the Holy Quran. I would read it and ask what am I reading? My father would tell me “your reading about Prophet Moses as he and his brother beat the Egyptians in a battle” or “your reading about the laws for the spoils of war”. As I grew older I learned more about the Quran from my Quran teacher. After he left, I read more and more about the Quran. I was amazed at it. The Quran contains beauty and wisdom, mystery and purity. And of course some magificant poetry. I have read the Bible, the Gospels and even Paul’s letters in the New Testament and to me, nothing on earth could compare to the Quran. There was something about this book, that was different. There was something about this book that I knew had to come from the above. There was something divine about the book. The same could not be said about the Old or New Testament which contained errors, myths and absurdities. I was proud of the Quran and even more proud about the fact that I was born and raised as a muslim.

As a muslim, anybody will say that there are sacrifices to be made. For example, a girl cant mingle with boys and a boy cannot mingle with a girl. That was difficult for me growing up since I was around non muslim boys and girls. As I grew older in high school it got even more difficult as I found myself facing moral and ethical confusions. What’s right and what’s wrong? I knew off hand, that I couldn’t do the drugs my friends were doing or hanging with the girls my friends were bringing to the lunch table. I knew I couldn’t swear, I knew I had to pray and I knew I couldn’t go to concerts my friends were attending or parties. I wanted to but couldn’t. And looking back I thank God I didn’t. The drinking, drugs, sex and violence was plaguing kids after school. Seeing it on sites such as or myspace I was surprised at what these kids were getting away with without their parents knowing about it. Its like they get the grades and behave like angels in front of their parents and then boom, their devils behind their backs. In front of the teacher they wont say anything about a student but behind they would talk horrible things about him. Even high school teachers I knew would engage in this kind of behavior, favoring some athletic good looking boy or girl over someone like me. I guess I was the odd ball, I wouldn’t engage in their conversations and I wouldn’t talk what they would be talking about. I kept to myself always reading or thinking about Islam.

In 2001 when America was under attack, various people throughout the world pointed fingers at Islam. Islam was defended and even President Bush said “Islam is a religion of peace”. Unforunatley that did nothing. Many people wrote much negative about Islam, from books to websites to even television programs.

Much of the propaganda was very laughable at best, however many people were actually buying into it, instead of researching it on their own. Christians were afraid that some of them would convert to Islam so they did their best to defame Islam whenever they could. Almost every Christian apologetic site was an anti Islamic message to it.

However Christians were not the only ones to say the negative about Islam. So were the atheist. A secular humanitarian by the psydemoym of Ibn Warraq wrote way back, Why I am not a Muslim and even made a website. The website was filled with many alleged former muslims explaining why they “left” Islam. Some of them are laughable and some of them are just flat out lies. The book was Filled with venom, lies and propaganda against Islam, I decided a few years later I would refute this. I knew that Islam was a gift sent to the earth, and Mohamemd peace be upon him was truly a guidance for all. But I would have to prove that. So here I am doing so.

In this book, I plan to expose the writings of Ibn Warraq and his phony propaganda. I would like to thank of course Allah the lord and king of all, my parents who told me that following prophet Mohammed peace be upon him was better then singing his praises and of course my muslim friends who supported me throughout. This book is for all the muslims who want to fight back and take their religion back. This book is my defense effort against atheist/ agonistics who attack Islam. By the will of Allah, I will finally expose Warraq’s false information along with Ali Sina’s challenge. May Allah bless them especially Prophet Mohammed. Rest in heaven. You earned it.

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