Monday, February 26, 2007

How to use this Book

Sallams (Peace be upon you)

As of Today, 2-26-2007 I have finished writing my rebuttal book to Ibn Warraq's 1995 book Why I am Not a Muslim. Mainly this book deals with the following issues

What does the Quran has to say about the Bible

Women in Islam

Jihad/terrorism in Islam

The Evolution deciect

Rebuttals to other Ibn Warraq books

Alleged scientific errors

The Perfect perservation of the Quran and the Hadith

Islam and human rights

Dogs in Islam

Evidence for Islam

How the Bible got corrupted

Did Jesus exist

Islams views on homosexuality, pigs and alcholol

All these topics were major themes in Ibn Warraq's book. So this book refutes all these claims. Now, these are only the major themes in Warraq's book. There are other topics in his book, but these topics seemed the most important, so this is why I decided to refute them.

All sources are incidated in the Bibliography section and spread the word....Warraq's book has finally been refuted! Praise be to God!

Ehteshaam Gulam

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